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Blog de Carreiras da Assurant

Como é trabalhar na Assurant, direto da fonte

Estamos reunindo equipes extraordinárias compostas por uma variedade de raças, religiões, orientações sexuais, identidades de gênero, idades, experiências e habilidades, visando nos ajudar a refletir melhor as comunidades globais onde vivemos e trabalhamos. Com mais de 14.000 funcionários em 21 países ao redor do mundo, temos muitas vozes diferentes para compartilhar. Aqui estão apenas algumas.

Assurant Blog Header Image: Celebrating World Day for Cultural Diversity

World Day for Cultural Diversity Employee Reflections

Assurant is committed to advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) across the organization. We believe we’re stronger when we bring together individuals with diverse experiences and perspectives.

Assurant Blog Header Image: I Love My Job

The Best Job Ever

While everywhere I’ve worked has had some unique virtues, Assurant stands out because it’s a kind, principle-driven company you can be proud to work for.

Assurant Blog Header Image: Giving Back: A Q&A with Deb Battaglia

Giving Back: A Q&A with Deb Battaglia

When we build relationships rooted in trust and authenticity, it enables us to engage and empower one another on an even deeper level.  

Assurant Blog Header Image: Our DEI Commitment

Our DEI Commitment

The spirit of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has always been deeply rooted at Assurant, but what transpired over this last year to advance our DEI goals has been nothing short of powerful.

Assurant Blog Header Image: Celebrating Giving Tuesday with Mickey Uphold

Celebrating Giving Tuesday with Mickey Uphold

Mickey Uphold, Sr. Channel Optimization Executive on the Sales Optimization Team based in Oklahoma, recently shared his experience in partnering with his team to support the Salvation Army Metropolitan Division’s Virtual Angel Tree program.